Luxury is now king
hrough all that, luxury spending rose 20%!
What? How? Why? Luxury Shift.”
We had a million questions, too. But that led us to a new theory to explain the ostensibly odd 20% jump in luxury spending. We’re calling it the “The Great Shift to Luxury Goods and Experiences
In short, instead of buying homes, younger folks are buying luxury goods and experiences.
It may seem silly. But we honestly believe that is exactly what is going on right now. Back in the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, the so-called “American Dream” involved going to college, getting a job, saving up some cash, and then putting that money into a little home in suburbia with a green lawn and white picket fence. That American Dream is now dead for most people. Why? Because back in the 1970s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, homes were affordable. That is no longer the case.
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