How a Gigantic Free-Trade Zone Made America the World's #1 Economic Superpower.
“The United States Common Market and the Constitution: How a Gigantic Free-Trade Zone Made America the World's #1 Economic Superpower.”
This chart shows how America gradually dominated the world economy: Was it the Commerce Clause?One of the lawyers there suggested it was the Commerce Clause in Article I, Section VIII that is the secret to America’s success. The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power “to regulate Commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes.”But Section VIII of Article I of the Constitution tells Congress what it can do, and that is interfere with commerce. Unfortunately, the Commerce Clause has been a major source of ever-increasing authority by Washington bureaucrats, which alone would not necessarily make America great.As I told the audience, you can drive a truck through Section VIII of the Constitution, which gives the Federal government virtually unlimited powers to tax, regulate, borrow money, print money and declare war. It is Section VIII that has allowed government to become bloated and almost out of control. This is one area where I wish limits were placed on Congress and the chief executive.
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